domingo, febrero 20, 2005

Man is like the body builder.

Este mensaje vino a mi de parte de un querido amigo en California. El y yo estuvimos conversando en el chat y algo que me dijo se quedo en mi mente; le pedi que lo escribiera para mi.

Escrito Por: D. Guerra

I cor 1:20---Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

Romans 1:22---Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

This evening, I found a friend on my Yahoo chat. We talked a little, and then she said she’d send me a new picture of herself. I was thrilled. There was pause on the message board, and then she announced, “Here it comes.” Within a second, I here the e-mail ring, and there was the picture of her in my e-mail inbox. Here’s the interesting part. She lives in another country! On an island! In a different time zone! Off a different coast! WOW! Amazing!

I was instantly reminded about the words of Samuel Morse, the inventor of the telegraph and the morse code. On May 24, 1844, in the old dark Supreme Court Chambers of the United States Capitol, Samuel Morse sent a message to his partner in Baltimore: “What hath God wrought?” This message was one of the most important inventions in the history of man. Prior to this, the messages traveled as fast as wind, current, legs, or animals could carry you. A few years prior, the steam engine revolutionized the world with the speed of machines, and yet, words were bound by the speed of the engine. It was the telegraph that seemed to make the impossible appear probable. Words, never spoken, never written down, could be sent hundreds of miles in seconds! What hath God wrought indeed!

The marvel of the telegraph gave way to the dream of the Internet. And what is so amazing about this all is that man can make these things. How brilliant is humanity that we can transmit a picture around the world in mere seconds? How incredibly spectacular is the fact from space a satellite can read the caption of a picture on a newspaper? Man is the most gifted animal of all of God’s creation, and yet, we are so dumb. We can do some extraordinary things, and yet, we cannot save ourselves. I guess that was the true tragedy of the Tower of Babel; man could do anything, and yet he could not bring around his own redemption.

To me, man is like the body builder who has tremendous muscles, and yet cannot brush his own teeth because the muscles prevent his hand from reaching his mouth. As Paul said, “Although [we] claimed to be wise, they became fools.” I’m reminded of a brilliant scientist who called people who believe in a intelligent designer irrational people. And yet he’s the one claiming that life came from nothing? Even a five year old could realize that you can’t get something from nothing. There must have been a beginning. How foolish? They can explain something so scientific and yet cannot see a simple basic fact of life. Like the body builder brushing his teeth, their minds get in the way of their faith.

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